I have collected a list of Suffolk Millers from many different sources including Apprentice Bonds, Census, Deeds, Directories, Leases, Members of SFHS own research, Newspapers, Parish Records, Rental books, Settlement Orders, Suffolk Record Office and Wills. Then I have arranged the 56 pages into 5 sections, 1 & 2 are arranged in town order, 3 & 4 by surname and 5 & 5a are Millwrights. All this information includes a reference to the source so more research can be continued on the family or Mill you are looking for.
Copyright is with Eileen Blythe
Published by History Research, ISBN 0-9530998-9-X, EAN 978-09530998-9-4 Printed in 2017 by RB Print Folkestone Kent, with 56 pages including 2 colour pictures and 2 centre pages of Mills.
The Directory can be purchased from
E. Blythe, Kismet Stombers Lane Hawkinge Kent CT18 7AP UK
Costs £6, plus p&p £7 50 in UK, Cheques only made payable to E Blythe

This book came about because while researching my family tree and having found a Miller in my family in 1580 in Godalming Surrey, and then another in 1617 in Layham Suffolk, and again in Framfield Sussex in 1567, my interest in Watermills was born and I had to take pen to paper!
Contact: eileenb891@gmail.com